Report on the incorporation into private companies of a Prevention Technician

A partir de mayo de 2019 todas las empresas que cuenten con más de cuatro (4) trabajadores deberán incorporar un servicio de prevención y ...

As of May 2019, all companies that have more than four (4) workers must incorporate a prevention and health service at work, according to this regulation, the cost associated with this service will be assumed by the company who must include within its workforce the service provided by these professionals.

This regulation was announced in May 2014 by decree No. 127, which establishes that companies with a payroll of more than three hundred (300) workers must have a service made up of at least one doctor (Included in their workforce ) and a Preventionist Technician or Occupational Health Technologist, who may be supplemented by a Psychologist or nursing staff.

On the other hand, those companies that have between fifty (50) and three hundred (300) workers on their staff will have the option of contracting an external service that meets the same characteristics and services with at least one quarterly intervention as a minimum.

The aforementioned will be applied under the same conditions for companies that have between five (5) and fifty (50) workers, those companies with less than five (5) workers will be excluded from the regulations. Although the application of the regulations covers all branches of activity in the country, the Executive Power indicated that the areas in which it will be applied will be progressively determined. the company, without prejudice to the intervention of the worker, likewise the costs will be assumed by the employers, the supervision and control of the service will be in charge of the General Labor and Social Security Inspectorate, the sanctions for non-compliance are reprimand, fine or the settlement clause.